** Waiver and Pre-Event Info **

What Group Should I Ride In?

Typical Track Days will be organized into 3 groups of riders based on individual experience.

  • "A" Group - Advanced group for highly experienced riders and licensed racers. Quick pace, safe passing allowed at any time.
  • "B" Group - Intermediate group for those with previous motorcycle track experience. Moderate pace, passing allowed with a 5' safety zone.
  • "C" Group - Novice group for riders with less experience and those who are new to the track. Passing only allowed on straightaways with a 5' safety zone.

Each group will run in 20 minute sessions throughout the day. C group riders will have an instructional overview in their first session.

CVMA Fridays at Chuckwalla consist of 4 groups. Racer 1 and Racer 2 riders are to register through CVMA only. Track day riders are separated into two groups as follows:

  • Level 1 - This is the faster group, recommended for A/B group pace riders. Safe passing is allowed at any time
  • Level 2 - This is the slower group, recommended for B/C group pace riders who are looking for less aggressive passing rules. 5' safety zone required for all passes, and no passing on the inside.

Each of the 4 groups will run for 20 minutes at a time, so keep an eye on the rotation to see when you are up next.


Please shoot us an email if you have any questions!
